World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Title Belts
Pre-match Object
Your Hand Size is +1.
*Unless your Superstar starter card lists that you may play this card; this card may only be played in a multiplayer Tag Team match.
Superstar Value +2
(Tag Team Only Symbol)
Give & Take
Pre-match Event
At the end of the Pre-match phase, one member of your team discards any number of cards and another member of the team draws 1 card for every 2 discarded.
F: 0 D: 0
Tag Out
Mid-match Action
Can only be played if your Fortitude Rating is greater than your opponent's Fortitude Rating.
Your partner is now the active player and may begin his turn.
(Tag Team Symbol Only)
F: 5 D: 0
Partner Interference
Reversal: Special: Heel
If played from your hand and if you are an “inactive” player of your team; reverses any type of maneuver. End your opponent’s turn. Play proceeds with your partner’s turn.
F: 5 D: 1
“Hey, would someone wake up the Ref!” – Jim Ross
Tag in Partner
You may draw 1 card and your partner is now the active player and may begin his turn.
“There’s the hot tag!” – Kevin Kelly
Little She Devil
Can only be played if you cannot play any Title Belt except the Tag Team Title Belts or if this is a Tag Team format match.
Reversal cards to your next maneuver played this turn are +#F, where # is equal to your Fortitude Rating, or discard this card and draw up to 3 cards.
F: 7 D: 0
Combination Attack
High Risk
Play only after a 4D or greater maneuver. A single “inactive” team partner may discard any maneuver of 6D or less from his hand and add the D value of that maneuver to the D value of this maneuver. Read as 10 when in your Ring area.
SV: 1
F: 14 D: 10 +
“Amazing teamwork!” – Jim Ross