Kane Superstar Card - SS1
Starting Hand Size: 7
Superstar Value: 2
Superstar Ability:
At the start of your turn, before your draw segment, opponent must take the top card from his Arsenal and place it into his Ringside pile.
Kane’s Tombstone Piledriver - ESPAÑOL
Trademark Finisher
-6F en esta carta si es jugada después de la maniobra titulada "Kane’s Choke Slam".
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 25
“¡La gran máquina roja ha plantado otra victoria!” – Jim Ross
Hellfire & Brimstone
All players discard all cards from their hands. Your opponent places the top 5 cards of his Arsenal into his Ringside pile.
F: 6 D: 0
“Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!” – Jim Ross